
This program makes GP2 run natively on Windows. It also adds some improvements to the game like moving steering wheels and car tyres in cockpit view, widescreen, better key mapping, better controller support among other improvements. This is an alpha version which may have buggy and unfinished features. It is under active development by hatcher.

This project is the cumulative result of 2.5 years of work in my free time prior to the first public alpha release.
If you’ve enjoyed what’s been released so far, please consider donating ->
BUG reports ->

New features are not extensively tested before release. New features can even break old ones.
If you find anything that goes beyond the general glitchiness of a 1996 game, report it to the email above.

// x86GP2 0.46
- tyre wear is now visually represented by the tyre's colour getting lighter in cockpit view
- the LCD screen not updating properly with the TV Window open fixed
- the branding on the tyre can now be turned off
    - if you've been experiencing a crash on start-up since v0.4 but previous versions worked fine, try changing vid_displayTyreBrand in the config to 0
- by popular demand the main menu music is now playing if you have it in the SOUND folder
    - (there are 2 different songs with and without sound effects, if anyone knows when the others play, let me know)
- generic fixes


Download version 0.46

Archive 0.45


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